Personal Contact Information

Example: C0123456

Example: 250-555-1234

Employer contact information

Example: 250-555-1234


Please answer one or more of the below questions.

Max 350 words

Max 350 words

Max 350 words


Optional: The photo must be at least 1 MB in size (max 10 MB).

Please enter a short description of your photo (50 words max)


By submitting photographs and videos to the Co-op Photo Contest, I give Camosun College permission to publish, edit, exhibit, play, transfer and otherwise use the photos and videos for marketing, administrative and educational purposes.

Should my submission include other identifiable persons, I understand that a signed media release available from the Co-operative Education and Career Services office must be submitted with for any identifiable person in any submission. I understand that no images/media of minor's faces are accepted